
Communities of Opportunity (COO) believes that community capacity building resources are critical to actualizing equity goals, and strengthening community-held resources, knowledge connections, and skills for long-term, systemic change and building community power. We developed these toolkits in partnership with Sama Praxis, Communities Rise, and subject matter experts in response to consistent areas of interest and need from COO’s community partners.

We offer these toolkits and templates to the community as starting resources to help further generative conversations and shifts in organizational systems and operations – and we welcome feedback. Please share with us how you or your organization may have used the toolkits, what gaps you found, or what additional questions or needs these resources generated. (Email us with the subject line: Capacity Building toolkits feedback.)

Community Collaboration Toolkit

This toolkit helps you navigate the ins and outs of creating a written document that captures the spirit and details of your collaborative work together. New: Now in Spanish too! Nuevo: ¡Ahora también en español!

Human Resources and Equity Toolkit

We offer this toolkit to help community organizations strengthen and grow their capacity, knowledge, and structures to center equity, in particular racial equity, in their organizations’ human resources processes and policies.

Alternative Leadership Toolkit

This toolkit is a starting point to deeply exploring alternative leadership structures that challenge traditional hierarchical structures that most nonprofit organizations are founded on.

Fiscal Sponsorship Toolkit

We created this toolkit to help you navigate the ins and outs of entering into a fiscal sponsorship relationship and creating written documents that capture the spirit and details of your collaborative work together.