Posts tagged learning
Finance Workshops: Oversight, Planning and Management

COO hosted a series of two workshops to learn tools and practices around financial planning and sustainability. These workshops offered case studies on how organizations are using financial information and long-range planning to make strategic decisions about their visionary work, and offered tools and strategies to create financially sustainable and health organizations.

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Social Change Ecosystem Map

The Social Change Ecosystem Map is a framework that can help individuals, networks, and organizations align with social change values, individual roles, and the broader ecosystem. It has two components: shared values embodied in the yellow circle in the middle; ten roles that people and organizations often show up in when they are participating in social change efforts.

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Turning Towards Each Other: A Conflict Workbook from Movement Generation

Individuals in community-building and social movement work can experience experience difficult interpersonal conflict with comrades or colleagues, too. This workbook offers exercises for self and group exploration to build collective self-awareness and conflict resilience. These tools will help resolve interpersonal tensions and increase the capacity to work together to dismantle oppressive systems and create regenerative ones.

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Othering & Belonging Institute (OBI) University

Take free classes with the Othering & Belonging Institute (OBI) at UC Berkeley. OBI helps changemakers build more vibrant, just and inclusive communities and structures. At OBI University, participants will learn about structural marginalization, the processes of othering, and the building blocks of belonging, so we can co-create a world where all are included in our circle of care and concern.

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REThinking Economics - Econ 101

What is the Rethinking Econ101 course? It's a 10-session long online course starting in September, which will:

  • Guide you through the intellectual foundations of mainstream economics

  • Expose the myths that mainstream economics espouses

  • Introduce new approaches to understanding the economy

  • Equip you with the tools to take action at your school and join the campaign to rethink economics

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