Posts in Impact
Equitable Contracting at Communities of Opportunity

To support continuous improvement and learning for equitable contracting work COO sought to document where and how COO has been successful in creating more equitable procurement processes, particularly in the area of contracting, and what gaps continue to exist. The Equitable Contracting Report here, summarized a review of King County COO Community Service Agreements and Consultant Contract processes, best practices from the field, and themes from key informant interviews with COO community partners.

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Imagining and Creating the New Economy

What does it look like to build the new economy - new ways of being in relationship to money, work, land, and one another? There are communities re-envisioning and shifting how they work and building new models and innovations that answer these questions. As part of our July speaker series event, Cultivating Community Imagination: The New Economy, we heard from three community leaders re-imagining what land ownership and our local economies can look like - and creating space for these different ways and models to emerge.

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Cultivating Community Transformation & Imagination

Recapping the Cultivating Community Transformation discussion and reflections on the journey of COO — the difficulties of shifting systems and institutions to enter into more relational and authentic conversations with community, the early intentions of COO coalesce around shared values, listen to the leadership within communities, and the work to invest in and strengthen community partnerships that can inform and bring momentum to the policy and systems changes needed for a more equitable King County.

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