Rapid Response support to movement organizations and organizers

VCW provides virtual rapid response support to social justice movements, organizations, and leaders dealing with or preparing for community safety incidents. We offer holistic free of charge community safety consultation support focused on:

  • Action and Event Safety

  • Personal/Home Safety Planning

  • Organizational Safety

  • Digital Safety

If you or your organization are concerned for your safety, submit a request and we will contact you within 48 hours. We will use our best effort to support you in addressing your safety needs. A valid email address is required to submit a ticket.

We offer:

  • Rapid response support for community safety incidents

  • Risk assessment of the incident

  • Up to three hours of one on one support with an experienced community safety practitioner

  • Personalized community safety recommendations

  • Tailored community safety referrals and resources

  • Follow up after the incident

Reach out to us if...

  • You learn counter protesters are planning to disrupt the action you are organizing and need help figuring out what to do. Reach out, we’ll help you assess your risks, develop safety protocols and recommend a few formations to prepare for the counter protesters.

  • You recently have been stalked or threatened for your organizing work. Submit a support request and we’ll share some safety planning resources and help you develop a tailored safety plan.

  • Your organization has experienced a recent break-in or has a staff member been threatened. Make a support request and we’ll help you develop a safety plan for your organization.

  • You or your org's data has been hacked or your personal information has been shared publicly. We will help you assess your safety risks, pair you with a security practitioner, connect you with scrubbing services, and support you with developing a safety plan.

Support Hours

We will be accepting requests Monday – Friday from 9:00am – 5:00pm PST. Requests submitted during system off hours will be reviewed during the next open hours.

For extremely urgent requests, there is an option in the request submission form to indicate high urgency. We will do our best to respond to these requests within 8 - 24 hours, where possible.

The information you share in this form is encrypted in transit and stored securely. This information will only be used for the purpose of providing you with support and understanding the landscape of our social movements. If you have questions about our privacy practices, please contact rapidresponse@visionchangewin.org

Link to submit a Rapid Response Request here: https://support.visionchangewin.org/