Othering & Belonging Institute (OBI) - FAQ Racial Equity Legal Guidance
From OBI:
This FAQ is was created to accompany our more robust legal guidance document, Advancing Racial Equity: Legal Guidance for Advocates.
Is consideration of race in public policymaking or public programs illegal or unconstitutional?
As a follow up then, what kinds of consideration of race are generally prohibited?
What kinds of consideration of race, then, are generally permitted?
What is the exact difference between “race-conscious” program and policy and “race-based”?
If I use proxies or indicators that correlate with race, how can I protect myself from getting sued?
Am I allowed or permitted to set numerical diversity goals or targets for my organization?
As a follow up, what is the difference between “Equity” and “Equality,” in this context?
How does the January, 2025 Trump Executive Orders affect what is permissible and what is not?
What about race-conscious programming in educational contexts?
For reference and updates: https://belonging.berkeley.edu/faq-racial-equity-legal-guidance